24. Past Perfect

Verbo to be - Passado

Past perfect

Escolha uma alternativa em cada pergunta. No final, clique sobre o botão "Calcular Resultado" para ver sua nota. Confira o gabarito no final da página

1. Ele já tinha (alguma vez) ido aos Estados Unidos?

A) Had he ever been to the United States?
B) Has he ever been to the United States?
C) Had he already been to the United States?
D) Has he already been to the United States?

2. Eu nunca tinha conversado com ela
A) I have never talked to her
B) I've never talked to her
C) I hadn't never talked to her
D) I had never talked to her

3. Você já tinha chegado quando eu liguei?
A) Had you ever arrived when I called?
B) Had you already arrived when I called?
C) Had you arrived when I called?
D) Had you just arrived when I called?

4. Eles não tinham ido lá ontem?
A) Had they not gone there yesterday?
B) Hadn't they gone there yesterday?
C) Hadn't they go there yesterday?
D) Had they not went there yesterday?

5. Nós nunca tínhamos tido uma oportunidade
A) We've never had an opportunity
B) We had never have an opportunity
C) We'd never have had an opportunity
D) We'd never had an opportunity

6. Ela não tinha almoçado ainda

A) She hadn't had lunch yet
B) She hadn't lunched yet
C) She hadn't have lunch yet
D) She hadn't had have lunch yet

7. Ele tinha acabado de chegar em casa
A) He had just finished to arrive home
B) He had just finished arrived home
C) He had just arrived home
D) He had finished to arrive home

8. Você tinha falado com ele, não tinha?
A) You had talked to him, didn't you?
B) You had talked to him, hadn't you?
C) You had talked to him, hadn't?
D) You've talked to him, didn't you?

9. Ela não tinha te ligado ainda, tinha?
A) She hadn't called you yet, had she?
B) She hadn't called you yet, had?
C) She hadn't called you yet, did she?
D) She didn't had called you yet, had she?

10. Nós não tínhamos tido tempo de terminar a lição de casa
A) We hadn't had had time to finish homework
B) We haven't had time to finish homework
C) We hadn't had time to finish homework
D) We didn't have had time to finish homework

Você acertou perguntas.
Veja o gabarito no final da página 


1=A    2=D    3=B    4=B    5=D    6=A    7=C    8=B    9=A    10=C
